Practically every sector of our society today has accumulated or generated a large quantity of data that needs to be mined to extract useful information for businesses, biomedical, healthcare, the internet of things, public policy, law, government, media and emerging areas such as smart nations.
The Institute will develop enabling technologies that encompass horizontal domains related to mathematics, statistics and computing. These enabling technologies will be used to support a wide variety of vertical sectors.
Effective solutions for the vertical sectors require discipline-specific expertise in tandem with core computing and mathematical/statistical expertise. NUS is able to draw on core competency in many of these domains from various departments including Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, School of Medicine, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Risk Management Institute, Global Asia Institute, and Business School.
When we work on real-life problems that meet the needs of the various sectors, there is great potential for technology transfer and translation of research output for real world deployment.
The Institute will promote strong interaction and collaboration with the industry and government agencies whose “businesses” are driven by big data, such as hospitals, telecommunications, finance, and pharmaceutical companies. Regular dialogue and engagement between the NUS community and these stakeholders will identify key strategic directions that are academically challenging and relevant, and this will ensure the translation of the research outcomes into solutions that are impactful and of lasting value.